Ruomeng Liu

The University of Hong Kong

Curriculum Vitae



About Ruomeng

My name is Ruomeng Liu. I’m currently an M.Phil. student at the University of Hong Kong, where I am affiliated with Journalism and Media Studies Centre (JMSC) , Faculty of Social Sciences, supervised by Dr. King-wa Fu.

I am interested in political communication, media cognition and computational methods. I research in socio-techinical system deployed on individual-collective spectrum, and its political and societal implications.

Prior to HKU, I received my bachelor’s degree at University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, advised Dr. Fen Xiang. More information can be found at my vitae.


In general, my research interests are political communication, media cognition, and causal inference. I am also interested in emerging computational methodology, especially computational social science, artificial intelligence and computational modeling.

I am particularly open and passionate about interdisciplinary theory and methodology, including decision science, social physics, social cognitive neuroscience and cultural sociology. In light of the diverse interests, my research focuses on the following question:

The keywords for my current work are: polarization, commonsense, identity, and causality.

My goal is to make connections across theoretical traditions via embracing communication theory as a metadiscourse, while advancing scholarly understanding of causality.


Other works and sources can be found at my portfolio.